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Biddykins 01-03-2009 12:08 PM

Nexodyne Voting Tournament Redux

Probably the more exciting announcment of the day. I shall be running the NVT again this year, but totally different to in the past. This time there will be several different topics voted on (alongside the ever popular 'best member') including (but not limited to) the following:

Best movie of all time/Best movie of the last 10 years
Best Actor ever/Best contemporary Actor
Best record of all time/Best record of the last 10 years
Best musical artist ever/Best artist of the last 10 years
Best book ever

Once we've decided on the 10 (or so) polls, we'll all have the choice to nominate 3 voting options. From this the most popular will be taken, probably the top 8 or 16, and then the voting will start. I'll be aiming to do one round of polls per month, so it will take probably the whole year to finish this thing, which should be a lot of fun. Enjoy!

Suggest other voting polls and discuss here

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