View Full Version : Announcements

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  1. Lata Days Kiddos
  2. Unfortunately, the time has come...
  3. Im out also...
  4. Neohacks Problems
  5. Neohacks Upgrade
  6. Post Ratio Mod!
  7. New mod - custom stars
  8. ID Parade
  9. New Security Feature...
  10. Supporters
  11. Indentity Parade is now open!
  12. Yet Another Security Feature
  13. New mod - Message box when a new pm arrives
  14. UG Points
  15. Yet Another New Mod
  16. Damn, *Goes Legit* (P.S. This means I have to leave)
  17. Advertising Neohacks
  18. I'll miss you all
  19. Rules!
  20. ID Parade Released
  21. Neohacks Server Move
  22. Server downtime
  23. Ugly Little Star
  24. Yabb SE 1.4.1
  25. ID Parade
  26. Citizenship and Priv. Members
  27. New Admin
  28. Removal of Custom Stars
  29. The server errors...
  30. Yay 4 Elite
  31. IMPORTANT: New UG System
  32. Reminder for Sig Sizes
  33. Host problems - fixed
  34. phpBB2
  35. Remembering Rule 9
  36. Polls
  37. Prepare to Suffer!
  38. Downtime...
  39. Warning
  40. Rule 22
  41. You won!
  42. 2 Million Hits
  43. NWT
  44. Board Update
  45. Board Update, again
  46. Swearing
  47. Times are a changing!
  48. NWT Changes
  49. Citizenship Changes
  50. New PM mod
  51. New Privileged Member Requirements
  52. Yay, XXXX posts!
  53. Banner
  54. Restocking thread
  55. Citizenship Update
  56. Fb's Official Retiration
  57. Just a reminder...
  58. Reminder of sig sizes
  59. Merry Christmas
  60. Upgrade to YaBB SE 1.5.0
  61. Priv System Error
  62. Chat Impersonation
  63. POP3 and webmail accounts
  64. Neopian Hackers
  65. Privileged Members
  66. Citizenship
  67. Official G'Bye I Suppose
  68. Report Post Mod.
  69. Khild and Alphasee
  70. Priv Open Again Within 24 Hours
  71. Some Changes
  72. New Handler of Citizenship Records
  73. Board of Suggestions
  74. Flaming Boards and images
  75. Autobuyer - Public
  76. Coming Out of Retirement
  77. Privileged Members Area
  78. Public Polls Board Removed
  79. Newbies
  80. Public Releases
  81. Server
  82. Server troubles again...
  83. Emails
  84. Upgrade
  85. Changing to rule 10
  86. Catch ya!
  87. Webmaster Needed
  88. Changes to Neohacks! Results of staff meeting #1 *Click Here*
  89. Just a reminder guys and gals!
  90. MS Cookie Hack Fix
  91. The Staff asks for help
  92. Upgrade
  93. For The Reading Impaired
  94. As You All Know...
  95. Text Limitations Increased
  96. Some Guides Are Updated
  97. Another Reminder
  98. Rules Are Updated
  99. NH is broadening its horizons (you can reply)
  100. NH meeting 3 summary
  101. Tah dah
  102. Tah dah...again :P
  103. Misc. Gaming Forum
  104. Choose your skin now!
  105. New skins coming soon
  106. New default skin!
  107. Skins...
  108. Warnings
  109. New smilies
  110. I'm out
  111. Rules modified
  113. Gunbound tournament!
  114. New Moderator
  115. Another New Moderator
  116. Calling all Artists
  117. Gunbound Tournament
  118. Signature Enforcement...
  119. How this board works...
  120. Avatars
  121. All shit restored.
  122. DAT is not a word
  123. Site is back
  124. Event Updates.
  125. Hosting difficulties
  126. Retirement
  127. This is the NEW board!
  128. Upgrade
  129. An Announcemnt from the NVT
  130. Happy Thanksgiving!
  131. Look SUPERMAN
  132. Signatures
  133. Its that time...
  134. Merry Christmas!
  135. Happy New Year!
  137. Congratulations
  138. New member colors
  139. I RESIGN!
  140. Dear Staff, etc.
  141. L3IK OMG! ITS... ITS...
  142. Updates
  143. Privileged member applications
  145. Last Warning
  147. Welcome back
  148. vBulletin
  149. Posting Images
  150. Post Count Notice
  151. Rules - Policies - Guides - Etc!
  152. Spring Cleaning
  153. A few notes.
  154. Downloads Areas
  155. Image battling.
  156. ID Parade
  157. Bad news
  158. New Mods
  159. Mitch is back.
  160. Privileged and Underground members
  161. Reputation
  162. Don't like NHacks? Tell me about it!
  163. New Digibliss Policy
  164. New Skin!
  165. /forum is now gone!
  166. Google Ads
  167. Happy Easter
  168. The Complaint Department
  169. New Tutorial Forums!
  170. New Paid Features!
  171. More new paid features!
  172. Last Warning
  173. Apologies for the downtime
  174. Welcome new members!
  175. Downtime
  176. New feature!
  177. Word Censors
  178. Virus Announcement.
  179. Major! Zetacrack Is Back Up!!!!
  180. Adios Amigos
  181. I'm leaving...for now.
  182. New Features!
  183. Even more features!!
  184. Guess what!!
  185. Possible downtime
  186. Donations Link
  187. An important announcement
  188. IRC Channel
  189. Great news for Neohacks!
  190. Content Syndication
  191. The Arcade is up!
  192. Results of The Nhacks Staff Meeting
  193. Apologies...
  194. Neotwist
  195. Important New Rule
  196. New Subscriptions!
  197. Mail Icon Contest!
  198. News, News, News!
  199. A new addition!
  200. Neohacks Logo Contest!
  201. The Neohacks Community RPG Project
  202. Advertisement Woes
  203. Merry Christmas!
  204. Happy New Years!!
  205. Applications Accepted
  206. New Activity/Contest!
  207. New Staff Member!
  208. Poetry Contest Update
  209. Face Lift
  210. Upgrade!
  211. Arcade Updates
  212. Repercussions
  213. Now Open to Suggestions!
  214. Forum Changes
  215. Enhancement of the warez rule
  216. Discount Webhosting
  217. Welcome to Nexodyne
  218. Entering a New Era
  219. Unclassified Adminformation
  220. New Arcade Games
  221. Technology Boards Return!
  222. Nexodyne Weekly Programming Competition!
  223. Weekly Programming Challenge Begins!
  224. Ad Design Competition!
  225. Ad Design Update
  226. Official Nexodyne Voting Tournament #1!
  227. Nexodyne on your Google "Personalized Home"
  228. Hack that program!
  229. They can Digg it
  230. I can Digg it
  231. A word on "Rep-begging"
  232. Rapion 1.0
  233. Rapion Pro & Nexodyne Store
  234. Rapion Update!
  235. Rapion 1.1 Update
  236. Merry Christmas
  237. Rapion 1.1 Updated (Again)
  238. Rapion Update
  239. Project Rapion Closed
  240. Nexodyne in PC World Magazine!
  241. Nexodyne on Air!
  242. Seriousness in threads
  243. Happy Belated Easter!
  244. Dedicated Hosting
  245. Hosting Plans
  246. Dear Members...
  247. Nexodyne Historical Project
  248. Nexodyne Web Design Tournament
  249. NXSE
  250. Graphic Design Contest